
GitLab 集成 OpenLDAP 账户

一. 集成登录

1)修改 gitlab.rb 配置文件,启用 ldap 登录验证方式

$ vim /etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb +450
### LDAP Settings
###! Docs: https://docs.gitlab.com/omnibus/settings/ldap.html
###! **Be careful not to break the indentation in the ldap_servers block. It is
###!   in yaml format and the spaces must be retained. Using tabs will not work.**

# 在默认配置下增加如下设置
gitlab_rails['ldap_enabled'] = true                               # 服务开启,启用ldap登录方式

gitlab_rails['ldap_servers'] = YAML.load <<-'EOS'                 # 通过EOS把服务配置包起来
  main: # 'main' is the GitLab 'provider ID' of this LDAP server
    label: 'LDAP111'                                              # 页面服务标签名(可自定义)
    host: ''                                         # LDAP服务器地址,域名/IP
    port: 389                                                     # 默认端口,SSL为636
    uid: 'uid'                                                    # 登录-用户名,根据LDAP字段属性
    bind_dn: 'cn=Manager,dc=yuikuen,dc=top'                       # 绑定LDAP完整DN管理域
    password: 'Admin@123'                                         # 绑定的DN管理域密码
    encryption: 'plain'                                           # 加密方式start_tls/simple_tls/plain
    verify_certificates: true                                     # 如加密方式为SSL,此验证会生效
    smartcard_auth: false                                         # 认证方式
    active_directory: true                                        # 判断是否Active Diretory类型LDAP服务
    allow_username_or_email_login: true                           # 登陆方式用户名或邮箱
    lowercase_usernames: false
    block_auto_created_users: false
    base: 'dc=yuikuen,dc=top'                                     # 以此为基础,进行用户查询
    user_filter: ''                                               # 表示以某种过滤条件筛选用户
    attributes:                                                   # gilab字段与ldap中字段互相对应的值
      username: ['cn']
      email: ['mail']
      name: 'displayName'
      first_name: 'givenName'
      last_name: 'sn'
    ## EE only
    group_base: ''
    admin_group: ''
    sync_ssh_keys: false


$ gitlab-ctl reconfigure
$ gitlab-rake gitlab:ldap:check
Checking LDAP ...

LDAP: ... Server: ldapmain
LDAP authentication... Success
LDAP users with access to your GitLab server (only showing the first 100 results)
    DN: uid=op001,ou=op,ou=people,dc=yuikuen,dc=top  uid: op001
    DN: uid=rd001,ou=rd,ou=people,dc=yuikuen,dc=top  uid: rd001

Checking LDAP ... Finished
注意:出现 Success 并不代表已成功配置,必须正常输出用户列表信息,才算配置成功!!


使用原生管理员账户可以进行管理 LDAP 用户权限

二. 集成过滤

上述已实现了 LDAP 账户登录,但默认是所有的 LDAP 账户都能访问。在实际生产环境中,代码仓库应该仅限于开发人员访问使用,下面将演示通过 LDAP memberof 功能来限制指定用户组方可访问代码仓库。

1)修改配置文件的 user_filter 参数,限制仅允许 GitLab 组的账户才能登录

将之前创建的 GitLab 组别人员,仅保留 rd001

$ cat /etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb
gitlab_rails['ldap_enabled'] = true

gitlab_rails['ldap_servers'] = YAML.load <<-'EOS'
  main: # 'main' is the GitLab 'provider ID' of this LDAP server
    label: 'LDAP111'
    host: ''
    port: 389
    uid: 'uid'
    bind_dn: 'cn=Manager,dc=yuikuen,dc=top'
    password: 'Admin@123'
    encryption: 'plain'
    verify_certificates: true
    smartcard_auth: false
    active_directory: true
    allow_username_or_email_login: true
    lowercase_usernames: false
    block_auto_created_users: false
    base: 'dc=yuikuen,dc=top'
    # 添加memberof判断值,实现分组认证
    user_filter: '(memberOf = cn=GitLab,ou=Group,dc=yuikuen,dc=top)'
      username: ['cn']
      email: ['mail']
      name: 'displayName'
      first_name: 'givenName'
      last_name: 'sn'
    ## EE only
    group_base: ''
    admin_group: ''
    sync_ssh_keys: false

2)重新加载配置,并刷新检查,此时输出的用户只有 uid=rd001

$ gitlab-ctl reconfigure
$ gitlab-rake gitlab:ldap:check
Checking LDAP ...

LDAP: ... Server: ldapmain
LDAP authentication... Success
LDAP users with access to your GitLab server (only showing the first 100 results)
    DN: uid=rd001,ou=rd,ou=people,dc=yuikuen,dc=top  uid: rd001

Checking LDAP ... Finished

再次使用 ldap 账户登录时,会发现 uid=op001 的账户已无法登录 GitLab

除了自建 ldif 文件方式,也可直接在 Web-Ui 下直接 modify group members 添加、删除用户等操作